
Wood description

When freshly cut the heartwood of Purpleheart is a dull grayish/purplish brown. Upon exposure the wood becomes a deeper eggplant purple. With further age and exposure to UV light, the wood becomes a dark brown with a hint of purple. This color-shift can be slowed and minimized by using a UV inhibiting finish on the wood. The grain is usually straight, but can also be wavy or irregular. Has a medium texture with good natural luster.

Name                                                 : Purperhart


Scientific name                              : Peltogyne venosa


Family                                                 : Leguminosae (Cesalpiniodeae)


Origin                                                  : Suriname, Guyana, French Guiana, Brazil, Bolivia, Venezuela


Other names                                    : Amarante, Morada, Ipé roxo, Koroboreli, Purpleheart


Natural Durability                          : Class 2-3 with good to very good resistance to termites


Density (12%)                                   : 840 kg/m³


Bending strength (12%)               : 155 N/mm²


Shrinkage (%)                                   : rad. 4,2%, tang. 6,9%


Drying                                                  : easy; risk of distortion and checking slight


Working                                               : moderately difficult


Finishing                                              : good


Uses                                                     : interior and exterior joinery, cabinet work, furniture,                                                                             stairs, flooring tool handles, billiard cue butts, carving,                                                                         turnery, marquety, laminated beams, sliced veneer.